5. Sunnats Entering Masjid

Sunnats and Duaa Upon Entering  and Leaving The Masjid
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5. Sunnats Upon Entering The Masjid

1.        To enter with the right foot. (Bukhari-Chapter on Salaah pg.61)
2.        To recite    (Ibne Majah pg. 56)

3.        To recite Durood Sharief e.g.

(Ibne Majah, Faydhul Qadeer Vol. 1, pg. 336)

4.        To recite the dua eg

(Ibne Majah) Trans:  �O Allah, open the doors of your mercy for me�
5.        Make intention for I�tikaaf. (Shami- Vol.2, pg. 442)

6. Sunnats Of Leaving The Masjid
1.        To leave the Masjid with the left foot. (Bukhari-Chapter on Salaah pg.61)
2.        To recite  (Ibne Majah pg. 56)

To recite Durood Sharief eg.

(Ibne Majah, Faydhul  Qadeer)

4.        To recite the Dua. eg: 

(Ibne Majah) Trans:  �O Allah, I ask you for your grace�

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