Sunnah of Qa'dah & Faraaidh

Thirteen Sunnats Of Qa`dah with Quran  Hadith |  Faraaidh (compulsory acts) Of Salaat

17. Thirteen Sunnats Of Qa`dah
1.        To keep the right foot upright whilst sitting in Qa�dah and to place the left foot flat on the ground. (Tahtaawee pg.146)

2.        To place both hands on the thighs.(Ibid)
3.        To raise the index finger in Tashahhud whilst reciting  and to lower it when saying   (Tahtaawee pg.146 and 147)

4.        To recite Durood Sharief in the final Qa�dah.
 (Tahtaawee pg. 147)

5.        After Durood Sharief recite a Dua which is similar to those which appear in the Qur�an or Hadith.  (Tahtaawee pg. 148)
6.        To say Salaam on both sides upon completion of Salaah. (Tahtaawee pg. 149)
7.        To begin Salaam from the right side. (Ibid)
8.        The Imaam whilst saying Salaam should make  Niyyat (intetion) for the Muqtadees (followers), angels and the pious Jinns. (Ibid)
9.        The Muqtadee whilst saying Salaam, should make Niyyat for the Imaam, angels, pious Jinns and all the followers on his right and left side.
(Tahtaawee pg. 150)
10.     The Munfarid (a person performing his Salaah on his own) should make Niyyat for the angels only. (Ibid)
11.     The Muqtadee should say Salaam simultaneously with the Imaam. (Ibid)
12.     The second Salaam should be said in a lower tone than the first Salaam.(Tahtaawee)
13.     The Masbooq (a person who has joined the Imaam late) should wait for the Imaam to end his Salaat before getting up to complete his missed Rakaats. (Tahtaawee)


18. Faraaidh (compulsory acts) Of Salaat
1.        Takbeer-e-Tahreema. (To say, �Allahu Akbar�, translator)
2.        Qiyaam (To stand).
3.        Qiraat (To recite any verse or Surah of the Qur�aan-e-Kareem.)
4.        To make Ruku.
5.        To make two Sajdahs.
6.        To sit for the duration of At-tahiyat in the final sitting. (Qa�eda akherah)
If any one of the above mentioned are left out, the Salaat will not take place. It will have to be repeated.

The Waajibaat and Mufsidaate-Salaat etc. should be learnt from Behishti Zewar or Aa�ina-e-Namaaz written by Mufti Sa�eed Ahmad Saheb(), the Mufti


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